"Hazardous Transmissions:
Protecting Yourself in the Digital Age"
Click here for PPT Presentation
Register for that hard-to-get
Ethics CLE credit
Online registration closed
Thursday, January 26, 2017
Sheraton Palo Alto, 625 El Camino Real
(just south of University Avenue)
Complimentary Validated Parking
6:00 p.m. - Registration, networking, cocktails
6:30 p.m. - Buffet Supper
7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. - Program

SVIPLA is pleased to have Michelle Galloway, Cooley Partner, returning to present "Hazardous Transmissions: Protecting Yourself in the Digital Age: - just in time to obtain that last minute needed ethics CLE credit.
This seminar provides practical tips to protect your organization and your confidential business information. Michelle will evaluate the risks in using technologies including email, smartphones and tablets, social media, blogs, and wearable technology. The focus will be on tips to improve your cybersecurity and to protect against attacks from others.
If you have problems registering for the Janaury meeting and want to make a reservation, please email Casey at caseymj10@hotmail.com.
DEADLINE FOR REGISTRATION OR CANCELLATION: Tuesday noon, January 24, 2017. Online registration automatically closes at that time - please make your reservation online by the deadline as there are only a few extra spaces allotted at the meeting for walk-ins. The venue may not be able to serve meals beyond the guaranteed number expected for the meeting.
SVIPLA Tax ID#-77-0491659
MCLE: This event will qualify for 1 hour of Legal Ethics CLE credit. The Silicon Valley Intellectual Property Law Association is a State Bar of California approved MCLE provider.